Welcome to My Game

This is my game of "Bigger and Better".

Inspired from the book "One Red Paperclip" I started trading from a pair of children's sunglasses and seeing how far I can get.

Read below for the story so far...

I now have a brand new ladies Rotary watch which is worth about £185.

If you have any offers or comments about my "game" then please feel free to send me an email to biggerandbetteriow@gmail.com or d-a-v-i-d@hotmail.co.uk

Monday 1 August 2011

The Sunglasses

The sunglasses weren't great at all... they cost about £5 6 years ago and could only just fit me. They were blue tinted and looked naff. This was the perfect place to start my game.

I put the advert on Wightbay with a picture of them, trying to explain what I was doing. The advert was picking up a lot of views but no comments and no offers.

But then I had an email, from my friend Ian. He had offered me a copy of the Encyclopaedia of Tractors and Farm Machinery... this was definitely a step up from the sunglasses but they would be pretty hard to swap on. Also I didn't want to accept an offer from my friend as I felt this was cheating.

However after a week of no more offers I decided that I would accept his offer of the Encyclopaedia of Tractors and Farm Machinery and drove up to his house. He looked at the sunglasses and wondered why he was trading his beloved copy of the Encyclopaedia of Tractors and Farm Machinery for these rubbish sunglasses... however he agreed to the swap and the deal was done. (Picture coming soon!)

I know have something bigger and better than the sunglasses! I now have the Encyclopaedia of Tractors and Farm Machinery. What now...

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