Welcome to My Game

This is my game of "Bigger and Better".

Inspired from the book "One Red Paperclip" I started trading from a pair of children's sunglasses and seeing how far I can get.

Read below for the story so far...

I now have a brand new ladies Rotary watch which is worth about £185.

If you have any offers or comments about my "game" then please feel free to send me an email to biggerandbetteriow@gmail.com or d-a-v-i-d@hotmail.co.uk

Wednesday 3 August 2011

The Boots Deal

The deal is done. I now have a pair of pink cowboy boots - and very nice they are too. After getting lost in Cowes many times I eventually found the right house and shook hands with the lady with the boots. I'm not too sure what use she has of an Encyclopaedia of Tractors and Farm Machinery, but I'm sure she will love it.

Anyway the boots are with me now, I have put an advert on Wightbay and Facebook and waiting for the replies to roll in. I have an offer of a broken cooker - this is certainly bigger but is it better? What could I swap for a broken cooker? Who would want it? I also have an offer from a very nice lady of an old guitar but she said "it's not a particularly good guitar, quite old and definitely a cheap make, but still in good condition", so I'm not sure about the guitar - whether it is any better than the boots?

So I suppose I just have to wait and see now...

If you fancy making me an offer for these lovely pair of pink cowboy boots then please email me at d-a-v-i-d@hotmail.co.uk thanks!

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