Welcome to My Game

This is my game of "Bigger and Better".

Inspired from the book "One Red Paperclip" I started trading from a pair of children's sunglasses and seeing how far I can get.

Read below for the story so far...

I now have a brand new ladies Rotary watch which is worth about £185.

If you have any offers or comments about my "game" then please feel free to send me an email to biggerandbetteriow@gmail.com or d-a-v-i-d@hotmail.co.uk

Saturday 10 September 2011

New interest!

The article in the County Press has really kicked things off again! Firstly a massive thankyou to the County Press, the article was great (only found 1 mistake!!) and the picture was massive.

I have got interest from some freelance journalists in Portsmouth who are going to phone me up next week for a chat. This would be incredible as that would be for the national newspapers! Also interest for the bike has risen...

I have had offers of an Xbox Kinect, a weight bench with weights along with others. The main positive from the article is that it seems the game is back underway!

Anyway I have news about my Gap Year to Malawi. I fly out on 2nd January 2012, which is only 114 days time... excited!

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