Welcome to My Game

This is my game of "Bigger and Better".

Inspired from the book "One Red Paperclip" I started trading from a pair of children's sunglasses and seeing how far I can get.

Read below for the story so far...

I now have a brand new ladies Rotary watch which is worth about £185.

If you have any offers or comments about my "game" then please feel free to send me an email to biggerandbetteriow@gmail.com or d-a-v-i-d@hotmail.co.uk

Monday 19 September 2011

Damn and Blast!

After the excitement of yesterday I have had some annoying news today. My jeweller expert emailed me today saying that the lady who swapped the watch with me came to see him today. She bought along the ring that I had to have it valued... apparently it was worth about £500!!! Damn and blast.

So basically what I have done is traded a £100 item for a £500 item and then traded that for a £200 item. So overall I am up but that ring could have been worth a lot more in the game.

Let's hope for a quick trade of the watch (although I have had no real offers for it yet.)

I am stupid sometimes.

Sunday 18 September 2011

The watch.

What a completely crazy day in this game of Bigger and Better. As soon as I put the adverts online for the ring I was snowed under with offers coming in! But then one came in that caught my eye.

It is a ladies Rotary watch originally worth £185. It is a really nice watch and I know that people will want this (let's hope anyway!).

So after only 2 hours with the ring, I now have a watch. It is brand new and still in it's box. Open to offers as per usual!

The Ring.

I am the owner of a 9 carat gold ring with 7 diamonds... cool eh?

After the article in the County Press I had a lot more interest for the bike. Offers of a couple of sofas, weight bench and a phone but none of them worked out in the end. Then a lady on Facebook messaged me about the ring. Her ex gave her the ring 3 years ago and was just sitting a draw. So the swap was perfect for her and a good swap for me as the end is now going again. We proposed the swap (see what I did there ;) ) and the rest is history!

Over a month passed with the bike and to be honest I lost the sense of fun and excitement about my challenge but now I am back!

I am looking for any offers for the ring... game on.

Saturday 10 September 2011

New interest!

The article in the County Press has really kicked things off again! Firstly a massive thankyou to the County Press, the article was great (only found 1 mistake!!) and the picture was massive.

I have got interest from some freelance journalists in Portsmouth who are going to phone me up next week for a chat. This would be incredible as that would be for the national newspapers! Also interest for the bike has risen...

I have had offers of an Xbox Kinect, a weight bench with weights along with others. The main positive from the article is that it seems the game is back underway!

Anyway I have news about my Gap Year to Malawi. I fly out on 2nd January 2012, which is only 114 days time... excited!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

The Article!

I have made it to the IWCP Website and I will be in the paper on Friday!

Anyone who is interested, I still have the red mountain bike.... it is a Saracen Hazzard 7005 Mountain Bike, Red/Black, 24 Speed Twistgrip Sram 3.0 gears, with disk brakes.

I am open to any offers to please email me at biggerandbetteriow@gmail.com or d-a-v-i-d@hotmail.co.uk

Thanks to the County Press!!